How it Works
Welcome to our 5th annual Lincoln Rocks Bouldering Competition!
Each competitor can either sign up to compete in the morning (9 AM - 12 PM) or afternoon (2 PM - 5 PM) session.
Each competitor selects their own difficulty category as appropriate for their skill level. Scoring is based on the competitor’s performance on the 7 boulders designated in their difficulty category.
Competitors who sign up BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1, will receive a free event t-shirt.
Before September 1st ($40/participant)
After September 1st ($45/participant)
Youth Categories
Youth (9 and Under)
Youth Female (ages 10-13)
Youth Male (ages 10-13)
Adult Categories (Includes separate Female, Male, Non-Binary categories)
Recreational (V0-V3)
Intermediate (V3-V5)
Advanced (V5-V6)
Open (V7+)
Please Note: Open Climbers (V7+) must compete in Session 2 to qualify for the Finals round. Youth Climbers are strongly encouraged to compete in Session 1
Session 1
8:15 - 8:45 am: Check-in
8:45 - 9:00 am: Rules
9:00 - Noon: Session
Session 2
1:15 - 1:45 pm: Check-in
1:45 - 2:00 pm: Rules
2:00 - 5:00 pm: Session 2
Finals Round
6:00 pm: The top 5 male and top 5 female competitors in the Open category will enter a finals round. Finals will be formatted as an onsight round with 4 male and 4 female routes (4 min per route). All spectators and competitors are highly ENCOURAGED to come - this is a really cool opportunity to see our strongest competitors battle for the gold!
Awards & Prizes
7:45 pm+: The top 3 male and top 3 female competitors for each difficulty tier (recreational, intermediate, advanced, and open) will be awarded medals. Afterwards, we will hold a prize raffle for all competitors - must be present to win.